Search Results: "Filip Van Raemdonck"

12 March 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: Debian firewire support

Christian, you forgot to mention the Linux kernel, where a member of the kernel team deliberately broke hardware support.
Thanks to Holger for these links, he has listed several more. I disagree with the suggestion that shipping the old firewire stack in the linux-extra-modules package is sufficient workaround; unless this is not prohibiting it from being included in the installer to support ethernet over firewire? (though in such case it will certainly have implications due to the fact that this package should be pulled in when the installer used eth1394)

So Adrian, you too may want to reconsider if Debian really does have less compatibility regressions than other distributions.

10 March 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: PyGTK/glade object reuse

Someone asked on the PyGTK mailinglist if it is possible to reuse certain parts of a libglade window several times within an application.
It certainly is, and it's not even hard to do!

I've quickly written a demo application to show how it's done.
Glade widget tree

The user interface designed in glade is really simple, a textbox with two toggle buttons underneath. Activating one button will display a second, disparate textbox beside the original one. Deactivating it will remove that second textarea.
The other button will display and remove a copy of the first textbox which was there from application startup.
The full widget tree of this interface is shown in the first screenshot.

The actual code to the demo application is rather brief.
Continue reading "PyGTK/glade object reuse"

Filip Van Raemdonck: PyGTK/glade object reuse

Someone asked on the PyGTK mailinglist if it is possible to reuse certain parts of a libglade window several times within an application.
It certainly is, and it's not even hard to do!

I've quickly written a demo application to show how it's done.
Glade widget tree

The user interface designed in glade is really simple, a textbox with two toggle buttons underneath. Activating one button will display a second, disparate textbox beside the original one. Deactivating it will remove that second textarea.
The other button will display and remove a copy of the first textbox which was there from application startup.
The full widget tree of this interface is shown in the first screenshot.

The actual code to the demo application is rather brief.
Continue reading "PyGTK/glade object reuse"

Filip Van Raemdonck: PHP and SSL with Lighttpd on Debian Etch

First, a question: dear lazyweb, how do I completely disable non-SSL access with lighttpd? I can't seem to find how to have a lighttpd SSL-only configuration. (and only binding port 80 on localhost does not count for an answer)

On to the subject. While it's easy to add SSL to lighttpd and enable PHP (through fastcgi) and Debian makes it even easier with it's lighty-enable-mod tool if you only do it once in a blue moon then it's not exactly resident knowledge. So here are the steps to do it, on Debian Etch:
  1. apt-get the lighttpd, php4-cgi or php5-cgi, and openssl packages
  2. lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
  3. if using php5, update the path to the cgi binary in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-fastcgi.conf (it's preconfigured for php4)
  4. lighty-enable-mod ssl
  5. update the path to the SSL certificate in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-ssl.conf
  6. restart the lighttpd server

That's all there is to it. Well, strictly speaking there's a step 4a: install a certificate; but that's arguably not a part of the configuration process.
(for reference: openssl req -new -x509 -keyout /etc/lighttpd/selfcert.pem -out /etc/lighttpd/selfcert.pem -days 365 -nodes will generate a self-signed certificate)

Filip Van Raemdonck: PHP and SSL with Lighttpd on Debian Etch

First, a question: dear lazyweb, how do I completely disable non-SSL access with lighttpd? I can't seem to find how to have a lighttpd SSL-only configuration. (and only binding port 80 on localhost does not count for an answer)

On to the subject. While it's easy to add SSL to lighttpd and enable PHP (through fastcgi) and Debian makes it even easier with it's lighty-enable-mod tool if you only do it once in a blue moon then it's not exactly resident knowledge. So here are the steps to do it, on Debian Etch:
  1. apt-get the lighttpd, php4-cgi or php5-cgi, and openssl packages
  2. lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
  3. if using php5, update the path to the cgi binary in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-fastcgi.conf (it's preconfigured for php4)
  4. lighty-enable-mod ssl
  5. update the path to the SSL certificate in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-ssl.conf
  6. restart the lighttpd server

That's all there is to it. Well, strictly speaking there's a step 4a: install a certificate; but that's arguably not a part of the configuration process.
(for reference: openssl req -new -x509 -keyout /etc/lighttpd/selfcert.pem -out /etc/lighttpd/selfcert.pem -days 365 -nodes will generate a self-signed certificate)

Filip Van Raemdonck: PyGTK exception handler

A little utility that has been collecting dust on my harddrive over the past two years is an enhanced version of a PyGTK exception handling module that was originally posted to the PyGTK mailing list by Gustavo Carneiro. I've now uploaded it to the sysfs download area; it is essentially unlicensed, considered public domain by Gustavo according to his email message.

Besides fixing a API incompatibility with recent PyGTK releases, there are two main differences with the original functionality.
First, I've modified the traceback formatting to include two lines of context to each line in the traceback, one before and one after the called line. Also included is a printout of the identifiers referenced in the traceback lines variables, usually. On my personal wishlist was also syntax coloring in the debug window, but this was both non-trivial to implement, and it would likely add considerably to the complexity of the error handler, thus increasing the chances that the error handler itself would fail.
The other main functionality change is possibility to email feedback to a predefined address mainly meant for deployment and debugging of company-internal applications. To enable this feature, two identifiers feedback and smtphost must be set on the module. This can be either by modifying the code, or, better, by adding them after module import:
import gtkexcepthook = ''
gtkexcepthook.smtphost = 'relay.smtp.hostname'

Bugfixes, enhancements and feedback welcome at mechanix on

Filip Van Raemdonck: PyGTK exception handler

A little utility that has been collecting dust on my harddrive over the past two years is an enhanced version of a PyGTK exception handling module that was originally posted to the PyGTK mailing list by Gustavo Carneiro. I've now uploaded it to the sysfs download area; it is essentially unlicensed, considered public domain by Gustavo according to his email message.

Besides fixing a API incompatibility with recent PyGTK releases, there are two main differences with the original functionality.
First, I've modified the traceback formatting to include two lines of context to each line in the traceback, one before and one after the called line. Also included is a printout of the identifiers referenced in the traceback lines variables, usually. On my personal wishlist was also syntax coloring in the debug window, but this was both non-trivial to implement, and it would likely add considerably to the complexity of the error handler, thus increasing the chances that the error handler itself would fail.
The other main functionality change is possibility to email feedback to a predefined address mainly meant for deployment and debugging of company-internal applications. To enable this feature, two identifiers feedback and smtphost must be set on the module. This can be either by modifying the code, or, better, by adding them after module import:
import gtkexcepthook = ''
gtkexcepthook.smtphost = 'relay.smtp.hostname'

Bugfixes, enhancements and feedback welcome at mechanix on

Filip Van Raemdonck: Read between the lines

Recently I've been debugging a SQL Server 2005 replication setup, where the "Distribution clean up" job for the distributor database was failing. The error message in the agent history was:
Executed as user: <sqlagent_serviceuser>. Could not remove directory <UNC_path_to_snapshot_directory>.
Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory.
[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 20015).  The step failed.

The <sqlagent_serviceuser> was the Windows user that the SQL Server Agent service was running under, while the <UNC_path_to_snapshot_directory> was the network path to the directory where snapshots where created.

Looking around on some discussion forums, I found the same message reported several times but without any real solution; at least no solution that would work when I tried to apply it to this particular setup. Most answers to the problem focused on the xp_cmdshell procedure mentioned in the error, and how it would require certain configuration at the server end.

However, one answer on the MSDN forums did give a useful clue it pointed to the SQL Books Online article about Securing the Snapshot Folder (which I should've read right away, really). In a note, this page reads:
If a publication is dropped, replication attempts to remove the snapshot folder under the security context of the SQL Server service account. [...]

It's the SQL Server service account reference which is essential: even though the SQL Agent service account may be the one mentioned in the error message, the actual account that is used to try and delete the snapshot directories is the SQL Server service account instead. Giving that service account the necessary access rights fixed the problem; as in the Task Scheduler case, accurate error reporting on Microsoft's side might go a long way towards people disliking their software less.

Filip Van Raemdonck: Read between the lines

Recently I've been debugging a SQL Server 2005 replication setup, where the "Distribution clean up" job for the distributor database was failing. The error message in the agent history was:
Executed as user: <sqlagent_serviceuser>. Could not remove directory <UNC_path_to_snapshot_directory>.
Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory.
[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 20015).  The step failed.

The <sqlagent_serviceuser> was the Windows user that the SQL Server Agent service was running under, while the <UNC_path_to_snapshot_directory> was the network path to the directory where snapshots where created.

Looking around on some discussion forums, I found the same message reported several times but without any real solution; at least no solution that would work when I tried to apply it to this particular setup. Most answers to the problem focused on the xp_cmdshell procedure mentioned in the error, and how it would require certain configuration at the server end.

However, one answer on the MSDN forums did give a useful clue it pointed to the SQL Books Online article about Securing the Snapshot Folder (which I should've read right away, really). In a note, this page reads:
If a publication is dropped, replication attempts to remove the snapshot folder under the security context of the SQL Server service account. [...]

It's the SQL Server service account reference which is essential: even though the SQL Agent service account may be the one mentioned in the error message, the actual account that is used to try and delete the snapshot directories is the SQL Server service account instead. Giving that service account the necessary access rights fixed the problem; as in the Task Scheduler case, accurate error reporting on Microsoft's side might go a long way towards people disliking their software less.

6 March 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: Bye bike...

Or, as it's said, history repeats itself. Today I sold my motorcycle (wait for the “blade” photograph).
Again it wasn't really old, just 4 years; but it too had over 54000 kilometres; time again to release it.

I didn't quite get the money of it that I wished for, but then again, for a bike with that mileage you can't really be picky about what people pay for it. And in hindsight the fireblade seems to have been a bad choice; there's a lot of them on sale at least over here right now.
Note to self: try to get a less popular bike next time, it pays off when trying to sell it.

Actually I've already made the choice for a new bike (though I do not know if my choice follows the rule I just laid out). But it's been a hard choice; which is a story in itself. And that story is for another time.

Again, I must say it feels strange. While this wasn't the first bike I sold off, I feel a little melancholious about it. I guess that's just part of selling any bike. Assuming you've build a bond with the machine. But then again, any real motor rider would build such bond. IMHO.

28 February 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: PyGTK/glade object reuse

Someone asked on the PyGTK mailinglist if it is possible to reuse certain parts of a libglade window several times within an application.
It certainly is, and it's not even hard to do!

I've quickly written a demo application to show how it's done.
The user interface designed in glade is really simple, a textbox with two toggle buttons underneath. Activating one button will display a second, disparate textbox beside the original one. Deactivating it will remove that second textarea.
The other button will display and remove a copy of the first textbox which was there from application startup.
The full widget tree of this interface is shown in the first screenshot. Glade widget tree The actual code to the demo application is rather brief.
The main point to keep in mind is that you can't actually reuse the same widget, more than once, at one time. You could reuse it if you'd make sure it's never used more than once at the same time, and keep track of it (you also have to make certain it doesn't get accidentally destroyed along the way!)

What the demo really does, and what libglade allows you to do, is use (parts of) the same interface definition over and over again to build distinct PyGTK objects and add them to the existing interface. At least the PyGTK implementation of libglade, and possibly the native C libglade as well, actually caches the interface definition in case you'd want to reuse parts of it for additional object creation.

Let's have a closer look at how it's done:
import gtk,
class ReuseDemo:
  def __init__ (self):
    self.gladefile = ''
    self.xml = (self.gladefile) = self.xml.get_widget ('firstWindow')
    self.theContainer = self.xml.get_widget ('theHBox')
    self.xml.signal_autoconnect (
                     dict (gtk_main_quit=gtk.main_quit,
    self.buttons = (self.xml.get_widget ('tbtn1'), self.xml.get_widget ('tbtn2'))
    self.childTree = None
Demo application window First step is to import the gtk and modules.
The actual demo is in a little class; it's constructor starts by storing the name of the glade file, because it's needed later to construct the additional objects from (even if the caching should mean it isn't really re-read anymore). The xml tree from this file is parsed by pyglade and the window object is retrieved from the first of the two windows defined in it. At this point the window is already a PyGTK object!

The container that needs to have objects added to and removed from is also retrieved and stored as a class attribute. The signals for the two toggle buttons and to allow a graceful exit by means of the windowmanager close button are connected to their handlers, and the two togglebuttons' objects are also retrieved and stored away for later reference. Finally, a variable to hold a reference to the secondary textbox objects is initiated, and the window is shown.
  def toggle1 (self, btn):
    self.toggle (btn, 'txtContent', 1)
  def toggle2 (self, btn):
    self.toggle (btn, 'txtOther', 2)
The two toggle button callbacks call a single method, with the gladeXML tagname for the respective textbox object each one needs to display or remove and an index number for arguments (in addition to the togglebutton object reference that the callback received as it's first argument).
  def toggle (self, btn, tagname, idx):
    self.buttons[(idx%2)].set_sensitive (not btn.get_active())
    if not btn.get_active():
      if self.childTree:
        self.theContainer.remove (self.childTree)
        self.childTree = None
      objXML = (self.gladefile, root=tagname)
      self.childTree = objXML.get_widget (tagname)
      self.theContainer.pack_end (self.childTree)
The important logic is in the final method. First, the button which is not toggled is disabled or enabled for user interaction, depending on the activated state of the toggled button. Because the indices passed on by the two toggle buttons' callbacks were one-based, while the python tuple that holds references to the toggle buttons is zero-based, the remainder of a division by two of the callback index will automatically point to the button that was not toggled. Alternatively the values 1 and 0, in that order, and thus pointing directly to the tuple indices could also have been used as index arguments for the two callbacks.

The necessity of disabling the other button when one is activated, and therefore two textboxes are displayed, is because the demo isn't written to support displaying more than two textboxes at the same time, but especially removing the correct textbox when three would be visible. If it were extended in that sense, the need to disable the other button would disappear.

Next the activated state is tested; if the button is deactivated, the second textbox is removed from the container and the reference to it removed, while if it's activated, a new object is instantiated from the gladeXML description and added to the container.
Here's where the gladeXML tagnames come in: to recreate only part of the widget tree, and retrieve the actual widget from the parsed tree. Note that you must reconstruct the parse tree here; retrieving the same object from the original parsetree and trying to add it a second time to the container will result in a GTK+ warning (on the console) and nothing being added at all.

That's all there is to it, really. All that is left is to instantiate a class instance and start the GTK+ mainloop:
if __name__ == '__main__':
The second screenshot is an example of how the application might look in one specific state.

A tarball with the glade and python code is available from the sysfs download area.

23 February 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: Programmer's prank

While performing some research on the article about lighttpd, PHP and SSL I wrote a few days ago, I found out about a practical joke in Google's search results for the phrase “Once in a blue moon”.
The first result returned is an answer from Google Calculator, and the result they give is “1.16699016 10^-8 hertz”.

While this was obviously not a serious answer, it had to make sense somehow — but it didn't immediately occur to me what it might mean. When I found out how often a “blue moon” actually occurs, every 2.7 years approximately, it seemed obvious that the above number had to be the frequency of that event. A little math confirmed this; inverse the above number and you get a number in seconds which is approximately 2.7 and then something.

Nice easter egg from the Google crew.

19 February 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: Two no more

Mid august, “responsability” will get a new meaning: my wife is into the 15th week of our third pregnancy.
We actually already should've become parents last november, but almost halfway through the first pregnancy the child had stopped growing and was diagnosed with trisomy 13, because of a hereditary Robertsonian translocation that Veerle turned out to be having. Short of waiting for the pregnancy to spontaneously abort, the only way to deliver the child was induced labour. We already knew from the karyogram that had uncovered the trisomy syndrome that it was a boy, though it was impossible to see that. The little fellow was about two thirds the length he should've been, and weighed about one third the normal weight.

We visited a fertility clinic a few weeks afterwards, but were told that the actual chance of us getting a healthy baby was a lot higher when we would naturally conceive than through in vitro fertilization. The only advantage of the latter method would be near elimination of the 50% chance to a failed pregnancy of natural conception. (For clarification: due to the translocation, there's a two-in-four chance that a conceived child carries an incorrect number of chromosomes; such embryos have a near-zero chance of making it through the pregnancy)

By the end of summer, Veerle was pregnant again. This time however it lasted for only seven weeks, after which the foetus died. Examination of a tissue sample again uncovered trisomy 13 syndrome. And it was again a boy.

Now it's the third pregnancy, and almost three weeks ago a chorionic villus sampling was performed to determine if this time the child would be healthy. Although a FISH (“fluorescent in situ hybridization”) test performed in the first two days showed no sign of problems, it was only after the liberating phonecall that came in yesterday that we could take a deep breath and smile. The baby has inherited the Robertsonian translocation though, but that doesn't lessen our joy.

As a side effect of the karyogram, we also know the gender weeks before ultrasound might reveal it. However, I haven't secured the necessary permit to disclose this information. I'll tell everyone in half a year from now...

18 February 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: PHP and SSL with Lighttpd on Debian Etch

First, a question: dear lazyweb, how do I completely disable non-SSL access with lighttpd? I can't seem to find how to have a lighttpd SSL-only configuration. (and only binding port 80 on localhost does not count for an answer)

On to the subject. While it's easy to add SSL to lighttpd and enable PHP (through fastcgi) — and Debian makes it even easier with it's lighty-enable-mod tool — if you only do it once in a blue moon then it's not exactly resident knowledge. So here are the steps to do it, on Debian Etch:
  1. apt-get the lighttpd, php4-cgi or php5-cgi, and openssl packages
  2. lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
  3. if using php5, update the path to the cgi binary in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-fastcgi.conf (it's preconfigured for php4)
  4. lighty-enable-mod ssl
  5. update the path to the SSL certificate in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-ssl.conf
  6. restart the lighttpd server
That's all there is to it. Well, strictly speaking there's a step 4a: install a certificate; but that's arguably not a part of the configuration process.
(for reference: openssl req -new -x509 -keyout /etc/lighttpd/selfcert.pem -out /etc/lighttpd/selfcert.pem -days 365 -nodes will generate a self-signed certificate)

6 February 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: PyGTK exception handler

A little utility that has been collecting dust on my harddrive over the past two years is an enhanced version of a PyGTK exception handling module that was originally posted to the PyGTK mailing list by Gustavo Carneiro. I've now uploaded it to the sysfs download area; it is essentially unlicensed, considered public domain by Gustavo according to his email message.

Besides fixing a API incompatibility with recent PyGTK releases, there are two main differences with the original functionality.
First, I've modified the traceback formatting to include two lines of context to each line in the traceback, one before and one after the called line. Also included is a printout of the identifiers referenced in the traceback lines — variables, usually. On my personal wishlist was also syntax coloring in the debug window, but this was both non-trivial to implement, and it would likely add considerably to the complexity of the error handler, thus increasing the chances that the error handler itself would fail.
The other main functionality change is possibility to email feedback to a predefined address — mainly meant for deployment and debugging of company-internal applications. To enable this feature, two identifiers feedback and smtphost must be set on the module. This can be either by modifying the code, or, better, by adding them after module import:
import gtkexcepthook = ''
gtkexcepthook.smtphost = 'relay.smtp.hostname'
Bugfixes, enhancements and feedback welcome at mechanix on

1 February 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: Read between the lines

Recently I've been debugging a SQL Server 2005 replication setup, where the "Distribution clean up" job for the distributor database was failing. The error message in the agent history was:
Executed as user: <sqlagent_serviceuser>. Could not remove directory <UNC_path_to_snapshot_directory>.
Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory.
[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 20015).  The step failed.
The “<sqlagent_serviceuser>” was the Windows user that the SQL Server Agent service was running under, while the “<UNC_path_to_snapshot_directory>” was the network path to the directory where snapshots where created.

Looking around on some discussion forums, I found the same message reported several times but without any real solution; at least no solution that would work when I tried to apply it to this particular setup. Most answers to the problem focused on the xp_cmdshell procedure mentioned in the error, and how it would require certain configuration at the server end.

However, one answer on the MSDN forums did give a useful clue — it pointed to the SQL Books Online article about Securing the Snapshot Folder (which I should've read right away, rally). In a note, this page reads:
If a publication is dropped, replication attempts to remove the snapshot folder under the security context of the SQL Server service account. [...]

It's the SQL Server service account reference which is essential: even though the SQL Agent service account may be the one mentioned in the error message, the actual account that is used to try and delete the snapshot directories is the SQL Server service account instead. Giving that service account the necessary access rights fixed the problem; as in the Task Scheduler case, accurate error reporting on Microsoft's side might go a long way towards people disliking their software less.

31 January 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: King of the hill

John, don't get too excited.
I hate to disappoint you, but I got #1 for “mysql takeover” on the very day I wrote about it. I also seem to be #1 for “CEST software”, simply because these are appearing next to each other whenever I post something about software, during CEST months. And I was on top for “converting from metres per seconds to metres per days”, too, but my silly post about it from two days ago already took over. For all I know, there are a few more like these, though none are obvious from search referrals yet.

I guess being on a few planets might be very good to your Google karma. (or should I say, pagerank?)

29 January 2008

Filip Van Raemdonck: Why globals suck

To the people looking for a way of converting from metres per seconds to metres per days: multiply your value by 86400 (60 for seconds in a minute, times 60 for minutes in an hour, times 24 for hours in a day).

One of the disadvantages of using dynamic web pages, is that you might end up serving pages (depending on how the application works) that basically say: "I can't find what you're looking for". Over the last hour I've kept half an eye onto the webserver logs for this weblog, and noticed that the Google crawler tried to index pages which simply aren't there, like for example an archive view for the year 2083. But the underlying PHP script happily returns a HTTP 200 status, with the message that filters don't match anything. Hardly useful.
I also ran trough a large part of the site, checking if any page could refer to such 2083 archive, but haven't found any links to it. Which leaves me wonder why Google came to it.

On faulty pages; for the last couple of days I've also been updating the script code to some extent, and through the log following of the server logs I noticed that some links were broken (and did not return 200 but 404 instead, or, in case of the comment code, made it impossible to post anything at all). Largely due to modification of a global in some code path, which variable was used later to build up these broken links.
I think I've covered all faulty links; but if I oversaw any please let me know, I can be reached by email at mechanix on

Filip Van Raemdonck: Task scheduler annoyances

Apparently, the task scheduler in all Windows NT-derived versions up to (and including) Windows Server 2003 cannot run jobs under the "NT Authority\Network Service" security principal; "NT Authority\System" is the only so-called well-know security principal that can be used with it. Support for running tasks as "Network Service" or "Local Service" was only added in Task Scheduler 2.0, which is the version that ships with Vista and will be also included in Windows Server 2008.

Side note: I wonder why the link above, being a command reference for an administrative tool, is on the MSDN and not on the Technet site.

Practical implication is that without being able to use the "Network Service" principal, a distinct network account (domain account or server account) is required for any job that needs to access any network resource. This also means keeping track of another account and password — and taking care of controlling and auditing it's access; whereas the "Network Service" principal cannot normally be used for interactive sessions.

Annoyingly, the task scheduler UI also does not tell you that you can't if you try, but rather gives the un-helpful message "Access is denied. You do not have permission to perform the requested operation".
The same message is also shown when, for a regular account, the password entered does not match the actual account password. (This happened to me because the keyboard layout on a remote desktop session turned out to be not what I thought it was)
Anyone know if the error reporting has improved anything in the new task scheduler?

Filip Van Raemdonck: Task scheduler annoyances

Apparently, the task scheduler in all Windows NT-derived versions up to (and including) Windows Server 2003 cannot run jobs under the "NT Authority\Network Service" security principal; "NT Authority\System" is the only so-called well-know security principal that can be used with it. Support for running tasks as "Network Service" or "Local Service" was only added in Task Scheduler 2.0, which is the version that ships with Vista and will be also included in Windows Server 2008.

Side note: I wonder why the link above, being a command reference for an administrative tool, is on the MSDN and not on the Technet site.

Practical implication is that without being able to use the "Network Service" principal, a distinct network account (domain account or server account) is required for any job that needs to access any network resource. This also means keeping track of another account and password — and taking care of controlling and auditing it's access; whereas the "Network Service" principal cannot normally be used for interactive sessions.

Annoyingly, the task scheduler UI also does not tell you that you can't if you try, but rather gives the un-helpful message "Access is denied. You do not have permission to perform the requested operation".
The same message is also shown when, for a regular account, the password entered does not match the actual account password. (This happened to me because the keyboard layout on a remote desktop session turned out to be not what I thought it was)
Anyone know if the error reporting has improved anything in the new task scheduler?

